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Trois façons de rendre ta lessive plus écologique!


Trouvailles écolo pour le Printemps 2024

Trouvailles écologiques pour le Printemps 2024

Earth Month / Le Mois de la Terre


Les Bienfaits des Huiles Essentielles / Essential Oil Benefits


Nouvelle année = Nouveau Départ! New Year = New Beginning!

En ce début d’année, je vais vous parler de ménage, de désencombrement et de pureté car il existe un lien direct entre la propreté,  le désencombrement et le bien-être et l’abondance.

ECO Gift Suggestions/ Suggestions de Cadeaux écologiques


Des Alternatives Écologiques aux Paillettes/ ECO Sparkle Alternatives For the Festive Season


Des alternatives écologiques aux cadeaux des fêtes/ Eco Holiday Gift Alternatives


Black Friday Alternatives / Les Alternatives au Black Friday


How to Responsibly Shop In Thrift Stores/ Comment Magasiner Dans Les Friperies?

Conseils Shopping en Friperie / Thrift Store Shopping Tips

Nouvelles du mois de Novembre/ November Eco News

Eco fashion news for November 2023. Les nouvelles de mode écologique pour novembre 2023

Second Hand September is Back!


And Just Like That…I created a SJP Thrifted Look!


Oceanly, a new line of eco-friendly cosmetics by Attitude


5 Eco-Fashion Tips That Can Turn The Planet Around


Eco Friendly Suggestions for the Upcoming Summer Season


Why selling 90% of my stuff helped me thrive as a creative


Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Week

Earth Day was April 22nd, and Mother Nature has been calling for us to pay more attention to help her find balance. The weather has been unpredictable in most parts of the world and will continue to be unless we all come together to create more harmony. Let’s help mama earth regenerate herself in these easy and fun ways:

Eco-Fashion Finds for Spring

Spring is here, as sang so beautifully Ella Fitzergald.  And Spring sure has a way of bringing up my passion for fashion, for bold colors and joyful fashion finds. I have found some lovely ones, all sustainable and planet-friendly too:

Spring Eco-Fashion Tips

This time of year always brings me so much joy.  The sun is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. Ahhhhhhhh. It’s also the perfect time of year to release things I don’t need, wear, or use in order to clear out old, stagnant energies. I just looove that spring cleaning vibe! Last week, I dropped off some clothes at my local thrift store: three bags of books, clothing and accessories.

Eco-Finds for a Day of Valentine’s

It’s clear that the planet needs us now more than ever. We can all make a massive difference if we choose to consume more consciously and responsibly.   But being conscious does not mean being boring!  Far from it, actually. Here are some fun finds & suggestions for an eco-filled Valentine’s:

5 Things to Look For When Thrifting

Thrifting has become my principal way of shopping for clothes. It has also become a passion!  I love the amazing treasures I find in thrift shops.  They bring joy to my heart. I also love sharing them on my social media accounts to encourage others to do the same as this is great for the planet.

Ethical & ecological ways to wear animal prints

So….have you heard of the recent fashion controversy?  Celebrities and socialites wearing designer dresses with replicas of animal heads that look like hunting trophies. I was going to share a photo here but decided against it. Too creepy for my taste! I have nothing against animal prints. They can be fun to wear, empowering even.

5 Ways to Help Save The Oceans

Last week, I went to see the Avatar film,  The Way of Water.  Watching the spectacular and breathtaking underwater scenes reinforced my passion and desire to protect the oceans and their inhabitants. There is way too much trash on this planet, including on beaches and along coastlines. The planet is crying out for change. Below are some tips to help us protect the Oceans,  one of the planet’s most prized and sadly disrespected treasures:

Eco-Friendly Closet Resolutions

We’re at the beginning of the New Year.   Of course, we all want to do better, live better lives and enjoy more peace.  Enjoying a simpler and less cluttered home environment helps immensely in that regard. Although I’m far from perfect and still find piles of paper and clothes on my bed at times, I’m getting better at organizing my space. And this feels like, ahhhhhh, a breath of fresh air. Below are 4 tips to begin the year on the right foot:

Tips for an eco-friendly holiday season

We’re a week away from Christmas and coming closer to the New Year.  If you’re still wondering what gifts to purchase loved ones and hesitating about last minute gifts, here are some suggestions that can help you out while assisting Mother Nature’s regeneration during this time of festivities: 1) Use what you have in terms of napkins, tablecloths, and home decorations. Why not use nature’s bounty like pine cones to decorate your space, mantle and packages.

Eco accessories for winter / Accessoires écologiques pour l’hiver

With winter upon us, it’s time to get cozy and bundle up!  Don’t we all love that cozy feeling of sitting by the fireplace with a hot cup of tea or hot cocoa? I’ve found the perfect accessories to help us keep warm and toasty. Here are some of my favorites:

Black friday : healthy alternatives / Alternatives écologiques au vendredi fou

While doing research this week, I came across some stats via the website Good on You that are frankly disturbing.  According to a report, 80% of what we purchase on Black Friday is thrown out after one or even zero uses. This blew my mind!  It made my realize that many people, including myself in a previous life, are looking in the wrong direction for a feel-good activity that stimulates joy.

Cold weather skin & hair products / Produits de beauté pour le temps froid

This week was our first snowfall here, always a beautiful moment. There’s no doubt that our skin and hair is affected by the colder weather: indoor heating, cold winds and hats. So what are we to do?

Cold weather Eco Finds / Trouvailles écolos pour le temps froid

The French version of this article is below.  La version française de cet article se retrouve ci-bas. It’s getting chillier every single day as the winds of change are blowing. Thankfully, there are terrific businesses that are doing good for our planet and offering warm clothing with amazing recycled fabrics,  terrific design and a greater social conscience.  A true win-win for our planet.

Rachel: une entreprise éco-responsable / Rachel an eco-conscious brand from Montreal

English version of this article is found below. Lors d’une récente entrevue sur le podcast, j’ai eu le plaisir de m’entretenir avec Eve Noel, la general manager de Rachel, une entreprise locale qui célèbre ses huit années d’existence et qui offre des collants éco-responsables, des sous-vêtements et de jolies robes.

5 Trouvailles Écolos Pour les Jours de Pluie / 5 Eco-Fashion Finds for a Rainy Day

Grâce à toute cette pluie qui tombe chez nous cette semaine,  j’ai fait de jolies découvertes!  Si par le passé, j’associais les jours de pluie avec la grisaille et la noirceur, eh bien avec ces nouvelles trouvailles, c’est terminé!  De plus, ces articles sont écologiques, fabriqués principalement de matières recyclées, donc de véritables merveilles!

5 Produits De Beauté Non-Toxiques / 5 Non-Toxic Beauty Products

The English version of this article is found below. Récemment, j’ai fait le GRAND ménage de ma trousse de cosmétiques et de ma pharmacie…Ouf!   Il y avait beaucoup de trucs inutiles achetés sur le coup de l’impulsivité et toxiques là-dedans: masques “hydratants” pour le visage en forme de licorne et de lapin ( sans blague!  Je devais avoir besoin d’un sacré remontant ce jour-là…), fards à paupières ultra brillants et rarement portés (et sans doute fabriqués avec du mica,

Nouvelles Trouvailles Automnales / New Fall Finds

Nous voilà déjà à la rentrée, à quelques semaines de l’automne.  Ouf!  Je dois avouer que je retiens ( à peine)  quelques larmes à l’idée de ranger mes sandales et mes gougounes,  à voir le soleil disparaître plus tôt dans la journée et surtout,  à l’idée de devoir porter manteau, foulard et tout ce bazar qui vient avec le temps plus frais.  Mais bon,  je reste positive car l’automne apporte son lot de charme, n’est-ce pas?   Cette saison a ses propres parfums et son ambiance cozy de cocooning.   Mon côté country apprécie aussi la période des récoltes qui nous apporte pommes, courges et des citrouilles, surtout depuis que j’ai commencé à cuisiner!

5 Trouvailles Écologiques pour la Rentrée / 5 Back-to-School Eco Finds

C’est la rentrée, une période de l’année que j’apprécie depuis l’enfance.  Cette période est synonyme de retrouvailles, de renouveau,  du retour de la fraîcheur, des matières plus cozy et du spectacle des couleurs,  de certaines activités automnales que j’aime, dont les randonnées en montagne, les conférences et les salons du livre.

Sylvie Boulet-une experte capillaire en soins écologiques / Sylvie Boulet – eco hair expert

Cette semaine, j’ai rencontré une femme lumineuse, sensible, curieuse, passionnée et engagée:  Sylvie Boulet, spécialiste de la coiffure, du bien-être et fondatrice d’Harmonie Beauté et d’Officine Cosmétiques, une entreprise qui distribue des produits capillaires écologiques.

5 Fibres Écologiques Innovantes / 5 Innovative Ecological Fibers

Cette semaine, j’ai fait une merveilleuses découverte: Vegea, un tissu vegan fabriqué à partir de peau de raisin. Quelle merveilleuse façon d’apporter une touche écologique à nos vêtements et accessoires, surtout quand on prend conscience du fait que plus de 1 milliard d’animaux sont tués à chaque année pour leur peau…C’est réconfortant de découvrir toutes ces alternatives.

Marques de Jeans Écologiques / Eco-Fashion Jeans

Quand j’étais petite, mes parents écoutaient la musique du chanteur américain Neal Diamond. Une des chansons qui a marqué cette jeunesse?  Forever in Blue Jeans.  C’était un hymne pour toute une génération qui a grandi en portant des jeans..

Les doux plaisirs écolos du mois d’août / Delicious eco finds for August

Le mois d’août est entamé et on ressent une énergie différente que celle du mois de juillet.  Je dois avouer que les mois d’août et septembre sont sans contredit mes mois préférés:  plaisirs de la nature, douceurs, luminosité éclatante,  récoltes et saveurs du marché en plus de l’énergie pétillante du retour à l’école qui arrive et qui invite le renouveau, bref, un moment de l’année que j’apprécie énormément!

Eco-Fashion Shopping in Vermont

Heading to Burlington, Vermont for the day or a short vacay? I have some suggestions snd some inspiring places for you. I love going to Burlington.  It’s one of my favourites places to visit and to head to when I need a break from my writing. In a previous life, I used to shop at the local mall ( which is under massive renovation), but my tastes and consumption habits have changed significantly in the last two years.

Jolies Robes et combinaisons pour le printemps

En prenant une marche cette semaine,  j’ai ressenti une bouffée de parfum de lilas…oh comme c’était délicieux!   Ce parfum enivrant m’a inspiré à écrire un article sur des tenues estivales qui nous rappellent les fleurs,  le printemps, la beauté de la nature et l’été qui est à nos portes…

An interview with Andrew McNally/Une entrevue avec Andrew McNally


Accessoires éco-responsables pour une escapade estivale! / Accessories for an eco-summer escapade

Quoi de plus agréable qu’une escapade estivale?  J’adore l’idée d’un “road trip” de dernière minute, seule ou entre ami(e)s.  Ça fait toujours mon bonheur et cela fait un grand bien au moral. Vive la spontanéité!

Fête du Canada: découvrez 5 entreprises de mode éco-responsable – Canada Day: discover 5 eco-fashion companies

En ce jour de la Fête du Canada,  je mets en lumière cinq entreprises canadiennes de mode éco-responsable et leurs pratiques qui sont excellentes pour la planète.  Ces entreprises locales font briller notre pays et donnent l’exemple en créant des vêtements  durables qui laissent une empreinte minimale sur notre environnement.

Une entrevue avec Julie Rochefort, fondatrice de Message Factory

Récemment, j’ai eu le plaisir de m’entretenir sur le podcast avec Julie Rochefort, la pétillante fondatrice de la marque Canadienne de vêtements écologiques Message Factory, une marque vendue à travers le monde que j’aime beaucoup de par ses messages doux et inspirants, son engagement environnemental et social et le style amusant de ses vêtements.

La réparation de vêtements : un concept à la mode? / Clothing Repair: A New Trend?

Je me souviens encore de mes cours de couture au secondaire et les fois où j’ai emprunté la machine à coudre de ma mère pour créer quelques morceaux.  C’était dans les années 80 et je m’amusais à fabriquer des pantalons « bouffants » avec des tissus colorés.  Certaines choses ne changent pas, comme ma passion pour la couleur.   Depuis quelque temps, il semble que l’idée de coudre, rapiécer, réparer et ré-utiliser est en vogue, une bonne chose pour notre planète!

Les avantages d’acheter en vrac / Advantages of buying in bulk

Le weekend dernier, j’ai participé à un événement extraordinaire, Le Yoga des Bois et j’en garde d’excellents souvenirs!  J’y ai fait de belles rencontres avec des personnes lumineuses, dont des personnes qui avaient un kiosque tout près de ma table.   Lors de la pause, j’ai remarqué qu’elles avaient apporté des collations telles que des noix et des graines de tournesol en pots Mason ou dans des contenants en verre.   De mon côté, j’avais mon sac de collations santé acheté en épicerie. Si la marque était santé, l’emballage l’était un peu moins…

Jolies Robes et combinaisons pour le printemps

En prenant une marche cette semaine,  j’ai ressenti une bouffée de parfum de lilas…oh comme c’était délicieux!   Ce parfum enivrant m’a inspiré à écrire un article sur des tenues estivales qui nous rappellent les fleurs,  le printemps, la beauté de la nature et l’été qui est à nos portes…

Comment avoir du style avec un petit budget

Nous sommes arrivés dans l’ère du Verseau, où l’on remplace les dépenses inutiles et excessives par le shopping plus conscient!    C’est un message que je partage sur toutes mes plateformes et qui a aussi été véhiculé dans le livre La Prophétie des Andes, un livre relu lors de mes vacances au printemps dernier.

Melow, une griffe sophistiquée au design épuré et splendide

Je partage ma plus récente découverte locale: Melow! Une collection écologique rafraîchissante comme une douce brise d’été ou une jolie mélodie.

Thalie Paris: Sacs Divins Inspirés par une Muse

Je partage ma plus récente découverte: Thalie Paris:  une marque de maroquinerie de luxe française fondée par Nathalie Dionne, une Québécoise à Paris portée par une mission importante: aider mère nature à refleurir. Les sacs sont fabriqués à partir de matières innovantes, brillantes, et apaisantes ( pour la planète et pour l’esprit.)

Cinq façons de réduire notre empreinte écologique

Hier, alors que je faisais des courses, j’ai aperçu des tonnes de déchets qui trainaient par terre, le printemps apportant débris, déchets et saletés qui remontent à la surface.   Si nous sommes tous responsables de cette situation, nous avons le pouvoir de changer les choses.

Cinq Marques de Lingerie Éco-Responsable

Depuis un certain temps, je reçois des de demandes à propos de la mode éco-responsable et cela fait chanter mon cœur! La plus récente demande : les sous-vêtements.    Un sujet important, puisque nous en portons de différents modèles et styles au quotidien.   C’est un item qui peut nous aider à bien se sentir dans notre peau et qui apporte douceur, plaisir et confiance.

Conseils Pour ta Prochaine Visite en Friperie/Boutique Vintage

Vendredi dernier, je me suis retrouvée dans une friperie pour la journée vente à 50%. Comme nous sommes à l’aube d’une nouvelle saison et que les prix étaient vraiment très bas, je me suis “lancée” dans l’achat de beaucoup de trucs.  Eh oui, je suis vite retombée dans un vieux “pattern” d’acheter des trucs…juste parce qu’ils sont en solde!

Nouvelles Adresses de Friperies!

Depuis quelques mois, je reçois beaucoup de demandes pour des adresses de friperies.  Il y a un engouement pour l’achat seconde main et c’est merveilleux!  J’en suis ravie!  De mon côté, je m’amuse à trouver des trésors et c’est fantastique! C’est bon pour le portefeuille et surtout c’est excellent pour la planète.

Trois façons de rendre ta lessive plus écologique!

J’ai récemment découvert trois façons de rendre mon lavage de vêtements plus écologique!   Une très bonne nouvelle, surtout quand on a vu toutes ces images de contenants de plastique qui trainent au bord de l’océan et des rivières.  Ça lève le coeur et c’est une bonne raison de changer ses habitudes dès maintenant.

La Signification des Chiffres Miroir + Angéliques

Vous voyez des chiffres angéliques?  Des chiffres miroir? 1111? 222? 444? 888? Ce n’est pas un hasard. C’est un signe divinement orchestré par votre subconscient et votre être supérieur.

Loi de la Circulation: On Laisse Aller Pour Attirer Les Merveilles!

Depuis quelques années, je me suis départie d’au moins 75% de mes biens…et cela a changé ma vie! Je me sens plus libre, plus légère et plus créative!  Comme on dit en anglais:  “Travel light and be the light.” Avant, j’étais beaucoup trop attachée à mes affaires, incluant un vieux meuble turquoise qui m’a coûté les yeux de la tête en frais d’entreposage juste parce que le trouvais beau et qu’il a été acheté à NY!

Comment remplir un vide intérieur? (Constatation de friperie!)

Je partage une constatation et une observation :  je retrouve de plus en plus des vêtements NEUFS (avec les étiquettes encore attachées) en friperie et dans les centres de récupération ces temps-ci. Je ne voyais pas cela avant.  Du moins, pas autant.

Ne cherche plus, tu es La Source!

J’ai une petite confidence : j’ai vécu un GRAND déclic cette semaine suite à la lecture d’enseignements de Neville Goddard, un homme qui maîtrisait les enseignements bibliques et qui les enseignait lors de nombreuses conférences à New York entre 1940 à 1970.

Symbolisme: Ma Rencontre avec les Mes-Anges

Ce matin, j’ai retrouvé un livre dans ma bibliothèque intitulé The Edge of Wonder. Le mot wonder = émerveillement m’a fait penser à toutes ces merveilles qui existent et ce à chaque instant.

5 Conseils Pratiques Pour Acheter du Seconde Main

Depuis quelques mois, plusieurs personnes me partagent leurs trouvailles dénichées dans des friperies, des centres de récupération ou des marchés. Cela me fait tellement plaisir!  Cela confirme ma mission et m’encourage à continuer à partager à propos de ce sujet qui est si important! C’est notre belle planète qui en bénéficie!

What Happened When I stopped Drinking Coffee? I found Myself + Bliss

(Version française ci-bas) Over-caffeinated? Exhausted?  In constant need of a jolt or caffeine hit?  Feel as though you can’t live without the buzz?

Why The World Needs Us to Show Up More Than Ever

(Version française ci-bas…French version is found below) In case this hasn’t occurred to you yet, we are now facing the “end times” as predicted in the sacred texts: in the Bible’s Apocalypse,  the Book of Revelations, and the “the Great Tribulation,”  the ancient Maya prophecy,  etc.

Why You Should Drop the Holiday Shopping Frenzy And Do This Instead

Last Sunday, after walking into a shop to visit a friend, it suddenly hit me. We’re in the midst of the frenetic shopping frenzy. People are slapping down the plastic for some holiday good cheer at the end of another crazy year. But is this truly the best way to send off 2021?

Why following signs of the Universe is life giving / Pourquoi suivre les signes apporte vigueur à notre vie!

A few days ago,  I was hiking in the nearby woods, I came across the most incredible sight: an owl perched way above me on a tree branch.   It looked to be staring out into the valley below and, when I whispered hello, it turned its head to stare.  This left me breathless.

Stay Alert For The Good!/ Restez Alerte Pour Le Bon!

Last week , I was interviewed by a local artist for a podcast related to an upcoming book fair.  He asked me about my personal story, especially the bits about my transformational journey and that serendipitous meeting that changed my life forever: a surprise meeting with a psychic on the streets of New York who literally stopped me on the street and told me to quit my job as a lawyer and to start writing.

The truth about Black Friday+ Cyber Monday/ La vérité à propos du Vendredi Fou + Cyber Lundi, etc.

(Vous trouverez une version française de cet article ci-bas…) This weekend, we’re being bombarded with a gazillion messages and ads.

The toxic effects of fast fashion brands like SHEIN

We all know fast fashion is toxic; it’s nothing new. I recently came across some disturbing videos about the company SheIn,  an online retailer that offers heavily discounted items.  We’re talking $1 to $2 tops, $5 pairs of pants, and shoes priced below $9. Apparently, the CEO of SheIn claims that there are between 700 to a 1000 new items listed on the online platform every single day. Can you imagine?

Everything is working out for you, always. / Tout se déroule parfaitement en votre faveur

What if everything was always working out for you? What if everything was always working out best case scenario?

An Interview with Andrew McNally/Entrevue avec Andrew McNally

In my most recent podcast interview, I spoke with the multi-talented Andrew McNally, a Montreal-based teacher,  journalist, stylist, and lover of local fashion. During our interview, he shared his most precious styling tip, how he published Signature, a gorgeous book in under three months, and the dream most of his students share.

New Moon Message-November 4th, 2021/Message de la Nouvelle Lune du 4 Novembre, 2021

Don’t wait for God ( or Source, or The Universe) to act dramatically, because He probably won’t. When people expect a dramatic miracle from the outside, they are really hoping to change conditions without changing themselves; to get something for nothing, and in fact, this would be a violation of Cosmic Law. Don’t wait for God to tell you what to do on the outside…he won’t.

My favourite places to find secondhand in Quebec / Mes endroits préférés pour trouver du seconde main au Québec

I started this blog to share my own evolution and journey from being a frenzied shopaholic corporate lawyer to a writer, spiritual teacher, and fan of second hand clothes.   Does this mean I don’t appreciate fashion?   No, it’s quite the opposite.  I still love and appreciate fashion.  It just means that I’m far more conscious about the choices I make and how and where I purchase things and how often I shop.

Our planet needs you now: become a legend! Deviens une légende!

Last week I stopped by a church basement donation center to drop off things I no longer wear or use. Imagine my surprise when I was told that they were no longer accepting donations! The place was “full,” as in there’s no more room in here for your old stuff!

The end of our ( consumer obsessed) world as we know it

Have you felt as though we’re facing the end of the world? Of a life as we know it? To be honest, in many ways, it is the end of the world as we knew it. The end of a long cycle of destroying our planet by over-indulging in consumption, distracting ourselves through excessive travel, shopping and vapid entertainment. The world is coming full circle, into more harmony and into balance. But in order to truly achieve this, things, habits and ways of living need to fall away.

An Interview with Sandra Parker, founder of Justine Haines

Last week, for my Soulful Couture podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sandra Parker, the founder of Justine Haines, the Montreal-based label making eco-conscious period panties, a great accessory to help protect our gorgeous planet, (pardon the scruffy voice, I was overcoming a cold during the recording).

The real September Issue: self love

This past week, something powerful emerged inside of me, or rather, something disappeared…. The desire and pull to “consume” new fall clothes +  new fashion.

Why it’s time to bloom

I’m sharing this photo of a bouquet of gladiolas in my home.  I was trying to think of a topic for a blog post when the bouquet of flowers sitting right in front of me caught my attention.  Since  I was away for a few days, some of the flowers had naturally begun to fade,  yet some of them had kept blooming…

Trying to manifest something ( or someone?) Let go of the how…

You must let go of the “how.”   The what? The way your desire or manifestation will come to you…as most of the time, the Universal source has great things in mind for us, bigger and better things that we could conceive or dream for ourselves. I know, I know.  That sounds close to impossible, to let go of “how” things will show up, but the truth is that it is necessary,  especially  for some of us who try to “control” the outcomes in all aspects of their lives.  But here’s the rub:

My favourite finds at the Montreal Design Festival

Although it was over 40 degrees and I was melting in the extreme heat, I attended the Montreal fashion festival with friends and had a blast.  As a matter of fact, it was super inspiring to meet all these incredible local designers and was truly one of the highlights of my summer.

The healing virtues of papayas + watermelons

A year ago, while visiting a friend in Quebec City, I stopped in at Simon’s a local department store, to purchase a new bedspread and pillow covers.  They usually have a terrific selection of organic cottons sheets and sustainanable housewares.  I got lucky nad the law of attraction delivered: I found one with funky prints and colours with fun images of sliced watermelons, papayas and pineapples. I loved it so much, I even bought a matching shower curtain.

The Lionsgate Portal

The energy of the last few days has been very powerful, with massive shifts, downloads, integrations, and transformations. Are you feeling it?    This alognment of Earth and Sirius, the spiritual Sun, is an amzing time to set intentions. And those of us on the spiritual ascension journey and who’ve been here for a while, are are stepping into our newfound selves.  We are being called to leave behind our old selves to stand in our truth and power, and with much compassion and understanding for all souls on this planet.

8 tips to overcome procrastination & get on your soul mission

In the last few weeks, I was feeling stuck, less motivated with moving forward with my soul mission. I’ve been clearing out many things on my awakening journey, including traumas, ancestral thought patterns and behaviours. One of them is playing small.

An interview with Cynthia Boucher of Vêtements Mandala

I had the pleasure of speaking ( in French!) with Cynthia Boucher, founder of the Vêtements Mandala clothing line based in Montreal, for my podcast Soulful Couture. Her collection of bright colored leggings caught my attention this past year as I was scrolling through my Instagram feed. I also loved her slogan: “Vous êtes magnifique – You are beautiful!” and the fact that her collection is available in sizes XXS to 3X.

Shopping with the Universe (Part 2)

In the last few years, I’ve given away or sold over 75% of my belongings, including clothes, books, home décor items, jewellery, paintings, and… lots of shoes. I sold many of these items on second hand shopping platforms such as Poshmark, Marketplace, Kijiji and EBay.

Interview with author Karina Kennedy about her new book: A (Not So) Lonely Planet

It’s no secret: I’m a lover of the ocean…and travel…so when fellow ocean-loving, travel enthusiast, and author Karina Kennedy asked If I’d be interested in reading her new novel about a young woman by the name of Marina, I jumped at the opportunity!

You can do….magic.

I’m on a short vacation by the sea after finishing another literary project and decided to travel around my beautiful province to get some fresh air. Something exciting and miraculous happened a few days ago that I just had to share here with you. As you may know from listening to my YouTube channel, I’m super passionate about sharing and talking about the synchronicities that the Universe delivers to us.   God, our guides and our Higher Selves are always in the house, the car, and in the smallest of details. The divine Source is always trying to get our attention and to help us in all circumstances if we remain open to the signs.

Shopping with the Universe

Through many life lessons on my spiritual awakening journey, I’ve developed a strong faith that the Universe always brings us what we need. It may not be what we think we want, but it’s what we need for our soul’s growth and evolution. The presence of a benevolent Universe includes all aspects of life, including shopping. Because let’s face it, we’re human and although we may decide to choose a more minimalist lifestyle, we all need stuff: to eat, to wear, to work, etc….and in the last few months, I’ve discovered the notion of shopping with God. I know it might sound a little surprising, but stick with me on this…

An interview with Montreal designer Katrin Leblond

This week I chatted with Montreal designer Katrin Leblond, a talented artist that creates colorful fashion pieces and accessories right here in Montreal. I love the colors and textures that she brings to her collection, and the fact that she caters to women of all shapes and sizes. During our talk, I discovered a natural, sweet, colorful and accessible woman, just like her clothes.

Signs your manifestation is on its way!

Manifesting is a hot topic. That’s because we’re always manifesting in every moment with our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. So how can you tell that what you’re trying to manifest is on its way? Just to recap, manifestation is about asking, believing and receiving.

Happy Easter! Happy (inner)-resurrection!

Today is a great day filled with much meaning and sybolism. We are celebrating the rebirth of Christ, and more specifically the re-birth of the Christ within ourselves. On a personal note, I have been going through my own personal resurrection, on the path of spiritual awakening, letting go of the past and dark emotions, clouds, and resentments that were blocking my heart. Those of us on the awakening journey are emerging, and upgrading into higher versions of ourselves, a beautiful process of becoming. Just like a chick cracking its egg, it may feel shaky, uncertain and a bit scary at times, but this upgraded version of ourselves is the higher version.

An interview with Jennifer Brodeur of JB Skin Sävvi

This week, I had the immense pleasure of welcoming the new spring season with a podcast conversation with Jennifer Brodeur, a female entrepreneur I greatly admire. This wasn’t our first chat on the podcast, as Jennifer was a previous guest but I noticed a few changes with her holistic beauty business and was eager to find out more.

Love Stories Bali

Today I’m sharing a love story: a tale of generosity, kindness, creativity, collaboration, and craftsmanship.  It’s the story of social entrepreneurship done with heart and passion.

Loti Love!

What happens when you mix a passion for sustainable clothing, a talented young designer by the name of Lottie Bertello, Peruvian savoir-faire, and a collection of recycled men’s shirts? The stunning designs of Loti: a new fashion label launching this spring. Above all, it’s a label about upcyling quality fabrics, creating flowy designs, and rethinking how we shop and dress.

How the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success are Changing my Life

There’s a book that is radically changing my life: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. I had come across this book years ago and had gone through it quickly, without really reading it. I’ve now taken the time to really study these laws to put them into practice in my own life. And they truly are changing things for the better…

An interview with Marilyn Armand of Le Point Visible

I had the great pleasure of chatting with Marilyn Armand of Le Point Visible, this week’s guest on my Soulful Couture podcast. Marilyn is not only a talented artist who creates gorgeous quilted designs and home accessories, but she’s passionate about ecology, thrifting, and making people happy through her work. She’s a woman after my own heart.

A New Sustainable Fashion Challenge

This is what your page will look like in Google search results. You have to publish your post to get the Google Snippet Preview. Note that Google may optionally display an image of your article.

10 Tools to Survive a Spiritual Awakening

Hello friends! Happy New Year.  Sharing this article I wrote for Mantra Magazine. So what’s a spiritual awakening anyway? Some people describe an awakening as a crumbling, others call it a dark night of the soul.   Dark night because that’s how the soul feels, trapped in the darkness of the personality and life we “created.”   It feels stuck in unhappy circumstances, false constructs and relationships that lack true authenticity. It now desperately wants to be set free.

Vanaras: a love story

I recently fell hard for a fashion collection. Vanaras, a collection of gorgeous sustainable clothes from Bangalore, India. When I discovered the name Vanaras means essence of the forest, I fell even more. The forest is my place of refuge, healing, and happiness so a collection created in honour of this essence filled my heart with tremedous joy.

10 things I gave up in 2020 To Protect The Planet

This past year has been quite the year. A time of tremendous change, turbulence, and a year to reflect on our own truth, priorities and values.  I’ve been reading, painting, writing….oh, and completed another massive closet purge and clean-out. Ahhhh, it felt sooooo good. I’ve written about this before on this blog, but it bears repeating again: I’ve given up the fashionista and shopaholic life for a more reasonable and conscious existence.   They say that we come here to teach what we had to learn and what we had to heal…For me, it was to become more concious, because for a long time, I wasn’t. I bought all kinds of stuff and junk to prove I was somebody and to show my self-worth.

Skip Black Friday and Do This Instead.

If you’ve ever been a former shopper like me, Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals coming through your in-box may have your adrenaline pumping, may trigger you or may have you feverishly pulling out some plastic, thinking (or not!) : Oh, it’s been such a tough year, I need to treat myself, today is the perfect day…. right?  The answer is yes, it’s been a challenging year.  A very challenging one at that:  filled with anxiety, chaos, and much uncertainty.  It still is.  And if you live alone, you may see shopping online as a way to beat the blues and chase away a feeling of loneliness.

An interview with Melanie Trevett

I first met Melanie Trevett at a fabulous party in Montreal. It was one of those fabulous evenings that you’re invited to once in a blue moon.  It was a Gatsby-esque night in many ways, with champagne flowing and profesional dancers swaying beneath the moonlight. It was indeed a wonderful night, especially since I got to spend the evening chatting and dancing with Melanie,  a UK fashion entrepreneur and kindred soul. J’ai rencontré Mélanie Trevett pour la première fois lors d’une fabuleuse soirée à Montréal il y a quelques années.  C’était une nuit Gatsby-esque à bien des égards, avec du champagne coulant à flot sous le clair de lune.  Ce fut une merveilleuse soirée, d’autant plus que j’ai pu passer celle-ci à bavarder et à danser avec Melanie, une entrepreneure britannique et une âme sœur.

Conscious Shopping with La Maison Simons/ Shopping Conscient avec La Maison Simons

Last summer, I made a happy discovery:   Vision: Simons’ eco-conscious platform which highlights the company’s sustainable practices, initiatives and where it shares its eco-conscious fashion collections. L’été dernier, j’ai fait une heureuse découverte: Vision: la plateforme de mode consciente de chez Simons, plateforme qui met en lumière les pratiques et initiatives durables de l’entreprise où elle partage ses collections de mode éco-responsable & consciente.

The Ocean Cleanup: Sunglasses Made From Recycled Ocean Plastic

Okay, it’s official, I’m in LOVE…With a pair sunglasses.. But not just any pair…This pair of sunglasses is on a mission: to clean up the oceans, no small feat, that’s for sure. Early last year, I came across an article about the Ocean Clean Up and it piqued my curiosity. It’s a  non-profit organization developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. It is designing very clever technologies to accopmplish this. And so this week, it has launched an amazing new product: a super cool looking par of sunglasses made entirely from recycled pastic. They’re sooo attractive and well thought out. I’m loving everything detail about them.

Why Buying Second Hand (and Local) is a Must- Acheter Seconde Main & Local

I have to admit that yes,  I’ve come a long way… In a previous life,  I purchased huge amounts of fast fashion and all kinds of nonsense. I’ve already written about this, it was to fill an existential void caused by not doing what I truly love.  In the last year, 98 % of the clothes I’ve purchased have been second hand in vintage or thrift shops, except for a fun pair of pants from Maisons Simons made with recycled water bottles,  a tennis dress found on sale by Stella McCartney, one of eco-fashion’s main pioneers and a few T-shirts to wear to my yoga class.

How Dior was part of my personal evolution and awakening/ L’Influence de Dior sur mon Éveil

I had the privilege of being offered a private visit of the Christian Dior exhibit at the Montreal McCord Museum last week before its official opening, as a close childhood friend was featured as a model in one of the iconic Dior dresses, the Bella gown.  For the record, my friend Pascale looks stunning in that dress, just like one of the original Dior models. During the first few minutes of my visit, I did feel a tad conflicted about the exhibit.  Does displaying this kind of rarified luxury and opulence make sense in these current times? After capturing a glimpse of the beautiful dresses, the exquisite fabrics and the seeing the vintage video footing and witnessing all the research that went into it, the answer came as a resounding yes.  Right now, we all need to escape reality and to dream.  And this is precisely what beauty allows us to do.

Entrevue avec Chantal Durivage, Vente Reluxe ( Français)

Il y a quelques années, une amie me parle de la vente Reluxe au bénéfice de la maison du Chaînon. À l’époque,  j’étais un peu moins friande d’acheter des vêtements seconde main, car je n’avais pas encore compris les bienfaits pour la planète! Mais je suis tout de même allée offrir mon appui et surtout pour laisser aller quelques morceaux que je ne portais plus. Ce fut pour moi le début d’une merveilleuse aventure! Non seulement j’ai trouvé des morceaux originaux et superbes, ce fut le début d’une nouvelle façon de consommer. Grâce à Reluxe, j’ai comencé à acheter principalement du seconde main et à encourager davantage les designers locaux.

It’s the runway walk of your life! Are you ready to step up?

Last week, I attended an online Summit hosted by Fashinnovation with some of the fashion industry’s heavy hitters: including Rebacca Minkoff, Rachel Zoe, Arizona Muse and Nigel Barker. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was super inspiring in many ways. While listening to the sessions, I discovered that Rebecca Minkoff has a line of cool T-Shirts  that encourage people to vote and run for office. For every Limited Edition T-shirt sold, Rebecca Minkoff will make a donation to Vote Run Lead, a non-profit organization that empowers and trains women to run for office.

The advantages of using Poshmark ( or other resale sites) to clear your mind & attract more wealth

I’ve recently discovered Poshmark. And Depop, and ThredUp. Oh my. I really, really love it. But not for the reasons that once defined me (as a former shopaholic….No!)

An Interview with Molly Lambourn of Sophie Stokes

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with UK artist Molly Labourn about her line of quirky jewelry made with recycled plastic.  Speaking with her made my heart sing:  Molly isn’t only into recycled materials, but she’s also into vintage shopping, second hand finds and promoting women’s rights and businesses too.  This one of my passions and life missions: to promote brands and labels making a difference on the planet and Molly definitely does just that!

Interview/Entrevue Amélie Loyer-Mes Trésors sur la Plage

I had the pleasure of meeting Amélie Loyer at an art show in the Eastern Townships during the last holiday season. Her beautiful designs made with pieces of seashells caught my attention, because I’ve always been a major lover of the sea.  And over the years, I’ve  become a fierce protector of it as well. J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Amélie Loyer lors d’une exposition d’art dans les Cantons-de-l’Est durant les fêtes.  Ses créations réalisées avec des coquillages ont attiré mon attention, car j’ai toujours été une grande amoureuse de la mer. Et au fil des ans, j’en suis aussi devenue une protectrice…

Summer Challenge! Shop Second hand for the planet

So… summer is officially here! After an intense Spring season filled with a roller coaster of news, unprecedented change, upheaval, and discomfort, let’s face it, we’re all ready to spend time outdoors, breathe, play, and visit with friends ( if you can) and wear some COLOR! We will all benefit from some levity and wearing some colourful clothes, summer dresses and keeping things light. One go the things I wish to accomplish with creating this blog is helping to slow down the pollution and  detrimental effets the world’s excessive consumption has on our beautiful planet.

An interview with inspirational bionic model: Marsha Elle

Last spring,  I had the opportunity to speak at an amazing event held in Montreal:  Girls Living Out Loud (GloGirl), in the company of a group of exceptional women. One in particular caught my eye and she not only made my head turn with her gorgeous smile, inspirational story, but with her immense generosity of spirit and her kindness. Marsha Elle is a singer/songwriter, bionic model ( amputee), and amazing motivational speaker wishing to deliver messages of hope through music. She is super talented and is a shining light. Marsha was born with a rare birth defect in which the femur bone in the upper thigh area is either malformed or missing, causing one leg to be shorter than the other.  As a result, the lower half of her leg was amputated.

An interview with a 21 year old entrepreneur who creates eco-fashionable swimwear: Rose Guillemette

In these challenging and changing times, it’s refreshing to come across young entrepreneurs like Rose Guillemette, who believe in the protection of the environment and of our planet, something that is desperately needed right now. Rose is an amazing entrepreneur who creates eco-fashionable swimwear. Rose created her line of swimwear, New Kears, at the age of only 21 after studying fashion merchandising,  and her collection, available for men and women, is made with recycled plastic bottles and discarded fishnets that flood our oceans and threaten aquatic life as well as other textile scraps.

An interview with Conscious Stylist Amanda Weil

I had the pleasure of meeting Amanda Weil of Accentuated Style after she invited me to participate in her recent Business Style Awakening Series last month. After our interview, I felt that we were kindred spirits.  She enjoys fashion ( and wearing pink!), spirituality and mixing the two.    She also left the corporate world to follow her dreams and calling, and, like me, she pursed her passion progressively and passionately.

An interview with Steven Bethell of Bank & Vogue

Last September, I had the great pleasure and honour of attending the WEAR conference in Toronto, a conference about fashion sustainability, ecology, and ethics, amongst many other topics.  It was an exceptional conference, with amazing panelists and speakers. One of the presenters, Canadian businessman Steven Bethell, founder of the Bank & Vogue Group of companies, caught my attention with his fascinating business and inspiring collaborations.  He also has great stories to share ( and wears interesting hats.) Based in Ottawa, Bank & Vogue is a global leader in the facilitation, logistics, purchase and reselling of wholesale used goods and most notably, used clothing.  According to the Ottawa Business Journal,  the firm buys and sells about three million garments a week ​– enough to fill more than five dozen 40-foot shipping containers ​– from an operation based here in Canada.

An interview with yoga and breathwork teacher Annie Langlois

I first met Annie Langlois while attending one of her amazing retreats at the wonderful Spa Eastman in the Eastern Townships. She was hosting a Kundalini retreat and I was looking for some rest and time out after completing another book. The retreat was terrifically soothing, and I discovered a woman 100 % aligned with her truth.  A passionate teacher, there’s nothing false or fake about Annie.  She lives and breathes ( no pun intended! ) her true passion for healing and helping others on their life path and journey. She’s talented yoga and breathwork instructor whose mission is to share the healing modalities that she has discovered on her own healing journey. In our conversation on the podcast, we discussed how we very often come here to teach what we ourselves need to heal and learn.

How to survive a spiritual awakening

So what’s a spiritual awakening anyway? Some people describe an awakening as a crumbling, like a tower moment in the tarot. Others call it a dark night of the soul. Dark night because that’s how the soul feels, trapped in the darkness of the personality and life we  “created.”   It feels stuck in unhappy circumstances, false constructs and relationships that lack true authenticity. It now desperately wants to be set free.

An interview with jewelry designer Charlotte Hosten

I’m a major fan. I have been for years. Charlotte is not only talented, she’s smart as a whip. I had the opportunity to meet Charlotte several years ago when she worked out of her first atelier,  during an interview her for my former blog.  I’ve always been fond of her gorgeous designs and ability to incorporate vintage pieces, with history and cachet, such as passed down heirlooms, into her work. “I love to make things that have a story.”  She says. She also uses materials from India and Africa too, to add to the story theme and to add more uniqueness.

An interview with Léonie Daignault-Leclerc, a fashion sustainability expert

Léonie Daignault-Leclerc is an intelligent, passionate, and wise young entrepreneur. She’s also loads of fun too!  The founder of the Gaia & Dubos eco-fashion label based in Quebec City, not only has an effervescent personality, she’s become a sustainability expert and a determined and fully engaged business woman. She recently published a book in French Canada; Pour Une Garde-Robe Responsable and I had the pleasure of interviewing her for my podcast. (available above and on iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher.) I had the pleasure of speaking to Léonie about the passion for fashion she’s had since she was a child, her studies in fashion design and her advice about building an eco-conscious wardrobe. She has lots to say on the matter, having graduated with a specialization in fashion sustainability from Ryerson in Toronto.

Building Trust: Autobiography of a Yogi

I’ve been an active and passionate student of spiritual texts and teachings of all sorts for years. I’ve read countless books, blog posts, listened to audio books and videos and have attended many spiritual retreats. But only recently have I noticed myself living and being more in sync with a lot of these teachings.  Most likely because in the past my life was so off balance that I hadn’t yet discovered the power and necessity of a calm and centred mind and spirit. It had felt as though I needed to grasp and chase things, work opportunities, and people because of a deep rooted fear that was preventing me to trust that I was worthy to receive any of it.

An interview with Marie-Geneviève Cyr, a key player in the world of fashion

When I think of women fully embodying their own power, being their own truth, and being fully connected with their true essence and talents, I think of Marie-Geneviève Cyr, a key player in the world of fashion, creativity, sustainability and eco-fashion. This Quebec dynamo from the Gaspésie region knows her stuff: about fashion, culture, travel and art.

Wear Conference: Eco-Fashion Where Purpose Meets Progress

I’m thrilled to share my latest podcast interview with Kelly Drennan, Executive Director of Fashion Takes Action, an NGO based in Toronto.  Most importantly, on Monday, the 6th annual World Ethical Apparel Roundtable (WEAR) will be taking place in Toronto! WEAR is the only Canadian produced conference that address sustainability in the fashion industry and that brings together local brands, retailers and fashion players with global experts and thought leaders therefore making it an impactful event.

An Interview with Sol Desharnais of Sol Designs

I had the pleasure of discovering Sol and his beautiful designs while on a recent trip with my friend Miriel. She was happily wearing a handbag and began speaking of its creator, a friend named Sol from Manitoba. What caught my attention were the words: locally made, recycled vinyl flooring, he gives back to the community and meditation and yoga!  This embodies’s Sol’s philosophy for both work and life. And it reflects mine too.

An interview with handbag designer Annick Levesque

I had the chance to speak to Montreal based handbag designer Annick Levesque. She is a graduate of Cégèp Marie-Victorin and creates beautiful hand-made bags with integrated lighting. A highly original concept, protected by international patents all over the world!   In addition, in the podcast she speaks to us about the importance of buying local, good quality products and shares some tips on starting your own business. One of the things that most impressed me about Annick is the fact that all her bags are handmade by her here in Montreal. She is planning to open her first retail outlet this summer on Avenue Laurier O. in Montreal.

An Interview with Chloe Barcelou, artist, stylist and tiny home builder

Chloe Barcelou is one of the most creative women I have come across; she is an artist, a set designer and a stylist. She also writes and contributes to a number of magazines. Her tiny house is like a fantastical fairy tale and I was thrilled to interview her about eco-fashion, tiny home living and going for your dreams. Do listen in!

An Interview with Noelle Cellini, author of Lifting the Veil

I had the immense pleasure of meeting Noelle Cellini online recently and was really taken with the content of her gorgeous blog, Lifting the Veil , where she shares healthy recipes, eco-fashion advice, how to get rid of toxins, tips to reconcile the pressure we feel to constantly do more and our need for rest and relaxation, women’s sexuality, and how to navigate the choppy waters of this new era we’re moving into.  It’s fashion meets spirit and that’s exactly what I love to talk about! 

Why Cutting Back on Buying Stuff is Good for the Planet and the Soul

“In everything, simplicity is the key to trusteeship. A simple life conserves not just our personal resources but the earth’s.”  Eknath Easwaran We all need things, including some clothes to wear and, if we’re lucky, some fun outfits to feel good in.  And who doesn’t enjoy getting a new pair of shoes? It’s just fun and good for the spirit, especially at this time of year when those of us in the northeast are dying for some pastel colors, vitamins, and sunshine.  Give me some pinks, yellows, and some rainbows.

Tips to Live a Flow Based Life

“Once you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, you’ll automatically be converted to a being who can create miracles.” ― Wayne Dyer Living a flow based life, i.e. in the flow, in the truest sense of the word isn’t simple. But it is immensely rewarding, reduces stress and anxiety and is the ultimate secret to success. It requires a tremendous amount of going within, faith and trust in the infinite intelligence and abundance of ALL THINGS aka, the Universe.

Thought Power * Raising Your Vibrations

Vibrate the Cosmos; the Cosmos shall clear the path. This one of the Sutras of the Aquarian Age as shared by Yogi Bhajan. It  is one of the laws of the Universe: what we vibrate is what we attract.  We attract what we are. We are energy and this powerfully translates and resonates into every sphere of our lives.. If we feel good, we attract good feeling things.  If we feel grateful, graceful and abundant, we will attract more abundance.

Happy New Year! ☆

Hello and happy new year! I just love the peace and serenity that January brings.   As a I write this, a gentle snow falls outside my windows, enveloping and swathing the land with beautiful and cozy light, a cocoon of comfort and peace. For me, January is about: ☆ wiping the slate clean;

Oraki: Beautifully Made Eco-Minded Yoga Wear

“The first person to fully love is yourself.”   Those are the inspiring words printed inside a pair of beautiful Oraki yoga pants I received as a gift at an event organized by my friends at YogaTribes this summer. The second message I found was the one about the materials ‘To keep our planet happy, made with polyester from recycled plastic bottles.” Those two messages printed on the inside of the leggings made my day, along with their pink color, a color that always makes me happy.

Les Lares: an Interview with Julie Simard Jones

I met Julie recently through a mutual friend after a panel I hosted in the Eastern Townships.  She mentioned that she created perfumes made with natural essences and I was immediately intrigued. Then she handed me her business card for Les Lares,  a gorgeous piece of art in and of itself, and I was intrigued even more… Julie studied with Mikaël Zayat, the founder of Zayat Aroma, who creates the most exquisite essential oils of the highest quality.  After spending years in the hairstyling industry,  Julie was called to launch her own line of perfumes, made with organic high quality essentail oils.

Podcast interview: Sophie Marino of La Fibre et Moi

Alpaca Knits, locally made with flair and a touch of refined elegance.  A rich heritage of inherited skills and passion.  A devoted yogi and a resident of the Eastern Townships.  Sophie Marino is a woman worth knowing and visiting. I’ve written about Sophie Marino, the founder of La Fibre et Moi before. More than anything, I respect and admire women who’ve had the courage to follow their intuition and their dreams. That’s exactly what Sophie has done, beginning with a modest production in her own home and now offering her creations in forty-three points of sale across Quebec and the rest of Canada.

Podcast: How to Create a made to measure life with Julie Rochefort of Message Factory

Message Factory, a local fashion brand based in St-Jean, Quebec,  is a company after my own heart.  They create fun and whimsical ready-to-wear apparel that shares inspiring messages.  And Julie Rochefort, its founder and CEO is no different. She is as inspiring as the messages on her colorful T-Shirts. A proponent of slow fashion, she encourages shoppers to buy less, but locally made quality items, something I’m trying to do in my own life.

Podcast episode: How to create a made-to-measure life with Sophie Lymburner, founder of YogaTribes

Message Factory, a local fashion brand based in St-Jean, Quebec,  is a company after my own heart.  They create fun and whimsical ready-to-wear apparel that shares inspiring messages.  And Julie Rochefort, its founder and CEO is no different. She is as inspiring as the messages on her colorful T-Shirts. A proponent of slow fashion, she encourages shoppers to buy less, but locally made quality items, something I’m trying to do in my own life.

Soulful Couture Podcast: Create a Made-to-Measure Life with Jennifer Brodeur of JB Skin Guru

I had the immense pleasure of meeting Jennifer Brodeur, the founder of JB Skin Guru while giving a conference in Montreal a few years ago.  We were both there to inspire a younger generation of women to take risks and go for their dreams. Her vision and determination inspired me greatly. And just like that, we hit it off.   It was the serendipitous call of synchronicity. She is a trailbalizer and a visionary. All heart and soul.

Soulful Couture Podcast: Create a Made-to-Measure Life with Marie-Andrée Wallot

Hello dear friends, I’m thrilled to introduce my new Podcast about ethical fashion, beauty, and spirituality.  It’s also about creating a mystical and magical made-to-measure life.   I’ve been wanting to launch this podcast for the longest time and here it is! I’ve been on my own mystical journey, reconnecting with my soul and my purpose on many levels in the last few years. I’m eager to share the lessons I’ve learned. I’m also eager to introduce the amazing people I’ve met along the way.  Today, I’m speaking with the wonderful Marie-Andrée Wallot, a talented visual artist and founder of the Wallo label.

The Critical Importance of Following your Intuition

Other than writing fiction, two of my biggest passions are fashion and spirituality.  I’ve always loved clothes, ever since I was a child.  In fact, most of my novels revolve around fashion and discuss some of the thorny issues affecting the industry.   And most of my characters evolve in some kind of spiritual way on an inner level. Why? The simple answer is that this reflects my own personal journey and that’s just the way I roll.

La Fibre et Moi : A Line of Divine Luxury Accessories made with Heart and Soul

I had the immense pleasure of spending an afternoon in the atelier of Sophie Marino of La Fibre et Moi, a local designer and creator of divine accessories made of alpaca fibers and recycled fur. Located in an ancestral home on main street in Frelighsburg ( soon to be relocated in Dunham in the Relais de la Diligence), one of the loveliest villages in Quebec, her studio serves as the main stomping grounds for her thriving business. I met Sophie at the local Christmas market last December and loved her big personality and gorgeous designs. She was quick to point out that consumers are increasingly passionate about encouraging local artisans and businesses. This was music to my ears.

Grace, luminosity, and alchemy: Elena Brower in Montreal

Grace, luminosity, and alchemy: these words still resonate deep within my soul long after the two powerful Elena Brower yoga classes I attended during the recent Yoga Expo in Montreal. Held at the Palais des Congrès, it was my first visit to this annual expo, but certainly not my last. Beautifully organized, the Montreal Yoga Expo showcased vendors and exhibitors from the local yoga community, various brands including health foods, eco beauty and fashion, as well as wellness retreats and so much more.

An Awakened Company: Oneka Elements

What do passion for the environment, wild flowers, kindness of the heart, yoga, soulfulness and a previous hockey career have in common? Oneka Elements, an amazing company whose headquarters are nestled in the quaint town of Frelighsburg in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. In addition to creating amazing products, the company takes the survival of our planet to heart. A former hockey player turned eco-conscious entrepreneur, Philippe Choinière and his spouse Stacey Lecuyer, founded Oneka in the guest room of their first home. The creators of this line of eco-friendly shampoos and bath products are not only kind and generous, but they’re super inspiring too.

How Yoga Changed My Life

The day I finally rolled out my yoga mat five years ago, my life changed for the better. Unlike the other times in my life I had given yoga a try, this time I became hooked for real. The timing was right and the circumstances were ideal.   The Satya Yoga studio was utterly charming with bucolic views of surrounding mountains and greenery; our teacher, Rachelle, was a masterful yogi with energy I quickly connected to, and I needed something to soothe my nervous system and calm my anxious mind. Now that I practice yoga regularly four to five times a week, I honestly have no clue how I ever managed to function as a human being without it.

Interview With Vicky Jodry of Ola Bamboo

I recently had the opportunity to discover Quebec brand Ola Bamboo, maker of the eco-friendly toothbrushes, thanks to friend and fellow speaker Caroline Néron. A huge supporter of local businesses and a supremely accomplished businesswoman herself, she enthusiastically told me about a company she discovered on Dans L’oeil du Dragon, the Quebec edition of popular television show Dragon’s Den. When I heard the product was locally designed, it caught my attention. Having cut back on my own consumption of all things plastic, I thought this product was both interesting and useful.  The truth is, I wanted one right away.

Parley For The Oceans Collaborates with Big Names in Fashion

According to Avaaz, the international non-profit organization, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. This should give us all pause for concern. Major pause. Major concern. And a desire for immediate action. This week, Stella McCartney announced a partnership with Parley for the Oceans, an organization committed to fighting marine plastic pollution. McCartney will use Parley materials in lieu of recycled polyester. I have long admired Stella McCartney and her strong desire to protect the environment and the world’s animals as well as her non-use of leather materials to create her line of vegan accessories.   This fresh collaboration is in line with her committment to protect the planet and I look forward to tlaunchuch of this new collection in July 2017.

The Five Things I’ve learned About Happiness

For the longest time, I lived a life that wasn’t truly my own. This led to finding myself rolled up in the fœtal position on the floor of my Park Avenue office with fists clenched in such intense pain I thought I’d pass out. I was in my early thirties and, according to society’s standards anyway, living the dream: working as a corporate lawyer on Wall Street, negotiating multi-million dollar transactions while dressed to the nines in the season’s it bag and shoes. I was at the top of my game but deep down I was dragging my soul through the lowest depths of misery. The reality was that I was utterly unhappy and making myself ill with Crohn’s disease in the process. I was ignoring all the signs the universe was throwing my way. And there were many, many signs – the kind you find on a billboard in Times Square. I was in total denial, collecting my fat paycheck and spending it all on frivolous nonsense.

How Yoga Changed My Life

The day I finally rolled out my yoga mat three years ago, my life changed for the better. Unlike the other times in my life I had given yoga a try, this time I became hooked for real. The timing was right and the circumstances were ideal.   The Satya Yoga studio was utterly charming with bucolic views of surrounding mountains and greenery; our teacher, Rachelle, was a masterful yogi with an energy I quickly connected to, and I needed something to soothe my nervous system and calm my anxious mind. Now that I practice yoga regularly three to four times a week, I honestly have no clue how I ever managed to function as a human being without it.

How cleaning my closets + helping others = empowerment

I was recently asked to participate in a local fashion event called Reluxe. Organized by two thoughtful, and spiritually awake Montreal powerhouses, Ody Giroux and Isabelle Ethier, the second edition of this event was meant to raise money for a women’s shelter, Le Chaînon, by selling second-hand luxury clothing and accessories during a cocktail party. The Reluxe team managed to raise $25,000 in one night, a major exploit.

Why Fast Fashion is Never a Wise Choice

I have a confession to make.  Recently, during a family trip to Boston to celebrate my parent’s wedding anniversary, I got caught up in a shopping expedition with my mother that led me to make a spontaneous purchase at one of the major fast fashion retail chains. I bought a pretty skirt for less than $25.00 and it wasn’t even on sale. There’s no question the skirt is attractive. I received tons of compliments wearing it at a book fair. But three days after my purchase, news broke that the retail chain in question uses American sweatshops in California for finishing touches and pays American workers $4.00 an hour, far less than the minimum wage. I can only imagine what workers overseas in third world countries get paid for making such garments. It must be a pittance.

Healing Myself and the Planet

Once upon a time, I believed happiness came from buying things.  Shiny, designer things; expensive or not so expensive things.  I bought into the old notion of “she who dies with the most toys wins.”  I even had a T-shirt with that inscription on it back in the 80s.   I thought owning stuff gave me a sense of importance and self-esteem. I shopped till I dropped, and although I did feel that sense of exhilaration when walking out of the stores with tons of bags, that high soon dissipated and left me feeling empty. This led to a painful cycle and downward spiral of always wanting to buy more.  I even chose a career path ( corporate law) that in some ways enabled me to become a compulsive shopper. The harder I worked, the more clothes and shoes I could stuff into my closet. I was living like Robin Sharma before he became the Monk who sold his Ferrari.

Thrilled to be Back

Image found via Ecocult Hello again.   It’s been a while since I last posted anything on a blog…but I’m thrilled to be back! I missed blogging dearly but I took a step back. Since I last posted on a blog, I have set my course on a new journey and transformed myself from the inside out.   I published a few novels, began meditation and a regular yoga practice that has changed my life.  I also upgraded my eating habits, which lead to optimum health, happiness, and serenity.  My life is still a work-in-progress and every day I try to take better care of myself.  This has led to a deeper concern for the planet too.  She needs our attention now more than ever.


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