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10 Tools to Survive a Spiritual Awakening

Hello friends! Happy New Year.  Sharing this article I wrote for Mantra Magazine. So what’s a spiritual awakening anyway? Some people describe an awakening as a crumbling, others call it a dark night of the soul.   Dark night because that’s how the soul feels, trapped in the darkness of the personality and life we “created.”   It feels stuck in unhappy circumstances, false constructs and relationships that lack true authenticity. It now desperately wants to be set free.

Hello friends!

Happy New Year.  Sharing this article I wrote for Mantra Magazine.

So what’s a spiritual awakening anyway?

Some people describe an awakening as a crumbling, others call it a dark night of the soul.   Dark night because that’s how the soul feels, trapped in the darkness of the personality and life we “created.”   It feels stuck in unhappy circumstances, false constructs and relationships that lack true authenticity. It now desperately wants to be set free.

You have two choices: to flow and surrender to the process or resist and suffer.

To me, the awakening is a remembering. A remembering of who we truly are, our true divine and glorious Self without the masks, the generational conditioning, or the fears that have been attached to us by society.  It’s a new and different way to view the world, without the tainted view of the ego mind that focuses on such thoughts : I’m different, I’m lesser than, or I’m better than everyone else or I’m not enough.

A spiritual awakening does not come in a one size fits all model. Some people go through significant breakdowns and difficult symptoms show up, including major depression and disease, and others, not so much.  It depends.

My own awakening came in waves. I got my first taste of it while attending a retreat at the Kripalu Center in 2015. The second wave came a few years later after conscious breathwork exercise that was pretty intense and profound. Little did I know that this was going to be the beginning of the end. The end of my ego as I knew it.

It came with a sense of sadness from feeling totally disconnected and with much isolation. And it brought forward lots of memories, some traumatic, some filled with grief, just waiting to be acknowledged and healed. Because the soul needs to travel light.

You cannot ascend into a greater level of consciousness with the weight of such heavy baggage.

All this transformation provides the space necessary for your spiritual gifts to shine. It’s the beginning of the gift and the spark of hope that shines through this dark period.  So how do you get through this challenging period?

Acceptance is the first step.   Then surrender to the transformation process. It can take years or months, depending on whether you resist it or not. You must surrender to what needs to be completed. Accept that your values are shifting too. My passion for fashion changed significantly, evolving from new clothes to vintage, second hand and more eco-friendly finds.

In terms of self-care, here are some things that greatly helped me on my journey:

  1. yoga and meditation
  2. cutting out alcohol and excessive caffeine and replacing with fresh spring water
  3. infrared sauna 
  4. more sleep
  5. dance and journaling
  6. breathwork & bioenergetics
  7. nature walks
  8. coaching and spiritual guidance from holistic healers and teachers
  9. going to retreats to meet people going through similar experiences
  10. getting a deep understanding of the process through online videos and tools created by others going through similar experiences.

The awakening is happening for your highest good: you’re not alone, and you will make it to the other side feeling joy and abundance when you raise your frequency and vibrate with the frequency of LOVE.

I hope this helps you along your Journey.

For more on this topic, check out my YouTube.