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Why You Should Drop the Holiday Shopping Frenzy And Do This Instead

Last Sunday, after walking into a shop to visit a friend, it suddenly hit me. We’re in the midst of the frenetic shopping frenzy. People are slapping down the plastic for some holiday good cheer at the end of another crazy year. But is this truly the best way to send off 2021?

Last Sunday, after walking into a shop to visit a friend, it suddenly hit me. We’re in the midst of the frenetic shopping frenzy. People are slapping down the plastic for some holiday good cheer at the end of another crazy year.

But is this truly the best way to send off 2021?

We’re all in the midst of major change, challenges and transformation. Things are uncertain and rocky. You may assume that buying holiday gifts will lift your spirits and those of the ones you love.

Buying yourself and your loved ones a little somethin’ is a way to make yourself feel better. Shopping can temorarily list us out from discomfort, fear, and pain.  Trust me, I totally get it. I used to shop excessively to numb out the fact that I was disconnected from my life purpose, my creativity, and my joy.

As a former stressed-out New York corporate lawyer, I would spend my weekends and, let’s face it, most of my free time, buying things I didn’t need.

Image via Mike Petrucci

What seemed like a fun & leisurely activity stemmed from a shopping addiction and deep suffering. If only I get that bag and those matching shoes, then…I’ll be happy.

The truth is that I was only trying to fill an empty hole and to gain self-importance by buying more stuff. I collected three closets filled with these so-caled valuable and beautiful things.

What a mistake.

I could have purchased a piece of property instead.

But hey, I had to learn my lesson. Indeed, I had to learn that happiness does not come from things, it comes from inner joy.

Spiritual teacher Eknath Easwaran has written in his book Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Resources, that we leak energy by spending time in shopping malls, our eyes seduced by all the glittering things. Rather than leak your precious energy this time of year, why not spend time doing the things that will help you maintain, cultivate, and build it?

Spend time in nature, sign up for an inspiring class, get some coaching, meditate, read inspiring books, shop consciously and locally, buy less and give more ( animal shelters are a great place to give — it’s great karma and will provide a warm feeling in your heart.)

Image via Tumblr

Instead of racking up the free points on your credit card, why not give yourself some free time, caring for the ones who need it most.

You may just come to the conclusion that the person who needs you the most right now is you.