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Eco-Fashion Shopping in Vermont

Heading to Burlington, Vermont for the day or a short vacay? I have some suggestions snd some inspiring places for you. I love going to Burlington.  It’s one of my favourites places to visit and to head to when I need a break from my writing. In a previous life, I used to shop at the local mall ( which is under massive renovation), but my tastes and consumption habits have changed significantly in the last two years.

Heading to Burlington, Vermont for the day or a short vacay?
I have some suggestions snd some inspiring places for you.
I love going to Burlington.  It’s one of my favourites places to visit and to head to when I need a break from my writing. In a previous life, I used to shop at the local mall ( which is under massive renovation), but my tastes and consumption habits have changed significantly in the last two years.
The issue of the North American malls came up in the recent political debates. The fact that it’s suffering and it needs to be saved.  I understand the rationale behind but the truth is I’m not sure it can be, or will, be saved.
I avoid going to malls. I feel sad when I visit these places. It feels as though a lot of the merchandise looks depressing to me.  I’m just not attracted to it anymore.  I had read that like people, things carry energy, the energy of the materials used to create them and the energy of the people who made them. It feels like lots of the stuff that comes in containers is carrying low vibes, which explains why I am no longer attracted to it.  If I do go to any “box store” establishments, it’s to pick up something very specific I need, and then, I’m out of there real fast.
In his great book Discovering Your Hidden Spiritual Ressources, Eknath Easwaran, mentions that spending too much time in shopping malls robs us of our core energy. Our eyes are distracted by all this stuff and creates artificial desires we don’t really need or want.
I have taken a liking to shopping and browsing in second hand shops. I have discovered many many treasures this way, and I love the idea of giving a vintage object, a new life.
Since I live in the Eastern Townships, I love the idea of going for a drive and one of my favourite destinations for unwinding and browsing is Burlington, Vermont.  I’ve been going there since childhood and I know many Canadians go there too.
Here re a few establishments that caught my eye on my recent trip:

Billy Jean Vintage
A terrific selection of party dresses and gorgeous vintage finds, The owner also offer vintage reproductions made in America.

She also ahas a great selection of vintage jewelry and accessories, including some cool flamingo earrings that caught my attention. I highly recommend youLocated right in from àof the Harbor, it’s a great place to stroll to on your way to catch the gorgeous Views of lake Champlain

Uncommon Ground
Consignment shop on Main Street.
