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Skip Black Friday and Do This Instead.

If you’ve ever been a former shopper like me, Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals coming through your in-box may have your adrenaline pumping, may trigger you or may have you feverishly pulling out some plastic, thinking (or not!) : Oh, it’s been such a tough year, I need to treat myself, today is the perfect day…. right?  The answer is yes, it’s been a challenging year.  A very challenging one at that:  filled with anxiety, chaos, and much uncertainty.  It still is.  And if you live alone, you may see shopping online as a way to beat the blues and chase away a feeling of loneliness.

If you’ve ever been a former shopper like me, Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals coming through your in-box may have your adrenaline pumping, may trigger you or may have you feverishly pulling out some plastic, thinking (or not!) : Oh, it’s been such a tough year, I need to treat myself, today is the perfect day…. right? 

The answer is yes, it’s been a challenging year.  A very challenging one at that:  filled with anxiety, chaos, and much uncertainty.  It still is.  And if you live alone, you may see shopping online as a way to beat the blues and chase away a feeling of loneliness.


I’m here to tell you to think again. You cannot “buy” your blues away. You cannot fill any emotional longings with things.   The euphoria you feel when purchasing superfluous “on sale” stuff will dissipate faster than a sugar high and you will most likely be left with the crash and burn: the debt, the shame or just a pile of stuff that takes up space in your closet and your life.

I invite you to see things see yourself differently, as someone who invests in your well being as opposed to some fleeting purchase that will make you temporarily happy.  I’m not pointing fingers, I’ve done it too….many times. And to be honrest, I’m still tempted to buy things I don’t need..especially these days…


But in the last six months,  I’ve cleaned out my closets and got rid of things I thought I needed, stuff I thought would make my life better, make me look hotter, and happier.  This allows me the freedom and space to be who I am and feel appreciated for who I am as opposed to what I own.

The world has changed, and in many ways, so have we.  After this year, we will never be the same. We’re all heading towards the age of light, the Aquarian age where our values will be based on cooperation, love and care for each other and the planet.

We have to have a purpose greater than the endless struggle to satisfy personal desires.  ~~Eknath Easwaran 

So rather than rush to the nearest mall or your computer to buy one more pair of whatever or some unnecessary knick knack, why not take a deep breath, drop into yourself and ask the question:  Do I really need this?  How will it enhance my life?  Or will it encumber it some more?

Remember:  we lose precious energy wanting, desiring, and chasing things….especially those things we’re not in alignment with and that we don’t need….it lowers our vibrational frequency.

This in no way means you shouldn’t treat yourself, buy something you absolutely adore and would cherish forever… We are humans having a human experience and we have the right to enjoy nice things…I’m talking about the impulse to buy stuff just because it’s on sale…I’ve done it, and have regretted it…

If you’re looking to treat yourself or your loved ones, I encourage you to:

  • Visit local shops, invest in people, artists and businesses you know and appreciate and love.
  • Buy something made with recycled fabrics or materials. The rewards are immense.
  • Buy something made with ecological or organic ingredients.
  • Shop second hand or vintage.
  • Buy vegan leather and recycled fur.
  • Think twice before you put anything in your cart.
  • Think twice before you buy.

And if you don’t need it, why not just turn to nature and go for a walk, talk to a friend and be grateful for what you already have.

After all, isn’t that the true meaning of Thanksgiving??



All images were found via Tumblr.