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Building Trust: Autobiography of a Yogi

I’ve been an active and passionate student of spiritual texts and teachings of all sorts for years. I’ve read countless books, blog posts, listened to audio books and videos and have attended many spiritual retreats. But only recently have I noticed myself living and being more in sync with a lot of these teachings.  Most likely because in the past my life was so off balance that I hadn’t yet discovered the power and necessity of a calm and centred mind and spirit. It had felt as though I needed to grasp and chase things, work opportunities, and people because of a deep rooted fear that was preventing me to trust that I was worthy to receive any of it.

I’ve been an active and passionate student of spiritual texts and teachings of all sorts for years. I’ve read countless books, blog posts, listened to audio books and videos and have attended many spiritual retreats. But only recently have I noticed myself living and being more in sync with a lot of these teachings.  Most likely because in the past my life was so off balance that I hadn’t yet discovered the power and necessity of a calm and centred mind and spirit. It had felt as though I needed to grasp and chase things, work opportunities, and people because of a deep rooted fear that was preventing me to trust that I was worthy to receive any of it.
I hadn’t fully digested the principles so eloquently shared by Marianne Williamson in her work and conferences about The Course in Miracles.   According to theses teachings, miracles are to be expected in our lives and in any situation and every day, anything else is a deviation into fear.  That is a massive shift for someone who grew up in a household filled with fear. I know that I am not alone.
In Shakti Gawain’s book Living in the Light, she speaks of the outer world reflecting our inner world.  Our personal and financial situations are the reflection of how we feel inside. If we have faith that we’re supported, we’ll be supported. Miracles will show up on our doorstep with ease and flow. The opposite is also true, when we fail to trust in the divine.
The magnitude of this teaching is far reaching and life changing.
I had some notions and understanding of this to a certain extent but not the fullest extent possible.  Two summers ago I had given a talk with local teacher John Kobel who had shared some of his teachings about the law of attraction. I had put some of it to good use, trying to alleviate any worries I’d have by shutting down my computer and going for a walk, a dance class or a long pleasant drive.  More often than not, the solution to the issue I was facing would magically appear during that time of letting go. That’s where we attract, when our emotions are balanced and we are in alignment with expectations.
I had not yet read the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paharamsa Yogananda. My friend Valerie, also a spiritual teacher, had strongly recommended I read it. Now I understand why. In addition to peppering the book with amusing and interesting anecdotes about his life, Yogananada shares delicious tidbits and morsels about his life and the teachings of his gurus. I have been eating it up nightly with a cup of chai.
In one remarkable incident, Yogananda’s brother, who fervently doubted Yogananda’s path and connection to God ( Spirit), decided to challenge him by telling him that he would drop him off at a nearby town with a friend and without a penny.  He tells him that if his god really does exist, they’ll find their way home by midnight.
And so Yogananda heads on on the train,  with his worried and doubting friend.  And the magical unfolding is delicious to read. They’re met with countless opportunities and magical encounters that feed, entertain them and allow them to find their way home, ( with pockets full of extra coins!).
This anecdote and story made me smile. We are so often tempted to doubt ourselves ou the Universe, when we should know, as said by Caroline Myss during her conference, God answers all prayers.
In a recent interview author and spiritual teacher Anita Moorjani talked about how much difficulty she was having with renewing her US visa when she her her Spirit Guides told her to just let go. She did, and she found a literary agent who guided her to a better book deal, a new film deal and with people willing to commit and pay. She found the sponsorship and a way to resolve our immigration issues.
It is when we truly have faith, let go of our attachment to outcomes, that solutions do appear.
This is the only way to live. It is the only way to be.
Whatever you desire, make an intention and then just let it go completely. Forget about it, and remove it from your mind.
You will see how quickly the miracle comes back to you in even better circumstances that you could have originally imagined!

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself……”
Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi