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Grace, luminosity, and alchemy: Elena Brower in Montreal

Grace, luminosity, and alchemy: these words still resonate deep within my soul long after the two powerful Elena Brower yoga classes I attended during the recent Yoga Expo in Montreal. Held at the Palais des Congrès, it was my first visit to this annual expo, but certainly not my last. Beautifully organized, the Montreal Yoga Expo showcased vendors and exhibitors from the local yoga community, various brands including health foods, eco beauty and fashion, as well as wellness retreats and so much more.

Grace, luminosity, and alchemy: these words still resonate deep within my soul long after the two powerful Elena Brower yoga classes I attended during the recent Yoga Expo in Montreal. Held at the Palais des Congrès, it was my first visit to this annual expo, but certainly not my last.

Beautifully organized, the Montreal Yoga Expo showcased vendors and exhibitors from the local yoga community, various brands including health foods, eco beauty and fashion, as well as wellness retreats and so much more.

As a YogaTribes ambassador, I had the pleasure to attend our co-sponsored Sound Off event on the Saturday. It was filled with friendship, camaraderie. lots of light.  It was an experience to be remembered.

If you haven’t yet tried a yoga class enhanced by this ultra-sensory technology, a sound off wireless headphone headset allows you to be fully immersed in your own practice by tuning into the teacher’s voice and the music.   You are in your own bubble of joy and bliss. There are no distractions, just you connected to the divine.

Elena’s beautiful practice was enhanced by the soulful beats of DJ serious Black who mixes an entrancing combination of rap, world, soul, reggae, electronic, and trip hop. Think Erika Badu mixed with DJ Drez and Fanny Bloom.

Elena began her class by speaking about grace and asking us to consider how we can bring more of it into our lives.  Now, I ask myself this question daily. How can I be more graceful? Toward myself and others? Especially toward myself as I haven’t always been graceful toward myself. I’m working on that right now. I’ll share more later.

She also spoke of luminosity.  This word really spoke to me.  How can we be more luminous? Not just on the outside. Especially not just on the outside. How can we infuse our lives with that powerful inner light that allows us to share and glow and give to others.  That light that gives permission to others to do the same?

It’s no surprise that Elena speaks of luminosity given how luminous and radiant she looks.  Her contagious energy and vibes can be felt from a distance.

Elena also quoted beautiful passages from Mark Nepo’s most recent book, one of my favorite authors.

Image: Elena’s Instagram


The second class I attended on the Sunday was entitled Alchemy. It was both an exhilarating and challenging sequence of poses that builds consistency, inner strength and is detoxifying to both the mind and organs. I was particularly interested in her teachings on how yoga serves to alchemize our thoughts, beliefs, negative patterns and blocks into the real truth about ourselves and permits us to show up to our real, authentic selves and our mission. These words really resonated with me.

There’s no question that a regular yoga practice has added more grace and luminosity to my life. If you want to find out more, read this article.

Interesting fact that really resonated with me: Elena began her career in textile design, something near and dear to my heart, before leaving it behind to make yoga her calling.

Her latest ventures include Teach.Yoga, a global hub of content and inspiration created by yoga teachers, for yoga teachers, something near to the YogaTribes philosophy.

She is also the author of a beautiful self-practice guide, The Art of Attention, as well her most recent book, Practice You.

She generously took the time to answer my questions below. I hope these answers add a touch of grace and luminosity to your world.

1) Do you have a favorite mantra for living?

Be honest.  Apologize.  Forgive.

2) A favorite quote?


3) What is your morning ritual?

Move, sit, write, make art, wake the boys, make the breakfast, get to work, and love my team.

4) Do you have any special/favorite objects that you carry with you to enhance your yoga practice?

I always have at least one crystal and at least one bottle of Essential Oils.

5) What is your favorite book?

So many.  Right now it’s Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Kimmerer.

6) What are the secrets /keys to self-acceptance and self-love?

See #1.  Those three are the keys to the kingdom.

7) Do you have a sacred food? A special recipe/diet that helps to keep you aligned?

Buddha Bowl!

8) What is your favorite Kundalini yoga kriya?

By far, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. On that for years.

9) You began your career in the fashion industry. What are your thoughts about this industry now? Are you into eco-fashion, recycling, etc?  Who are your favorite designers?

Isabel Marant hands down.

10) Anything you would like to share with our readers?

See #2. ALWAYS.

Thank you Elena. We hope to see you again soon in Montreal!

And thank you YogaTribes!