Trois façons de rendre ta lessive plus écologique!

J’ai récemment découvert trois façons de rendre mon lavage de vêtements plus écologique!   Une très bonne nouvelle, surtout quand on a vu toutes ces images de contenants de plastique qui trainent au bord de l’océan et des rivières.  Ça lève le coeur et c’est une bonne raison de changer ses habitudes dès maintenant.

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An interview with inspirational bionic model: Marsha Elle

Last spring,  I had the opportunity to speak at an amazing event held in Montreal:  Girls Living Out Loud (GloGirl), in the company of a group of exceptional women. One in particular caught my eye and she not only made my head turn with her gorgeous smile, inspirational story, but with her immense generosity of spirit and her kindness.

Marsha Elle is a singer/songwriter, bionic model ( amputee), and amazing motivational speaker wishing to deliver messages of hope through music. She is super talented and is a shining light.

Marsha was born with a rare birth defect in which the femur bone in the upper thigh area is either malformed or missing, causing one leg to be shorter than the other.  As a result, the lower half of her leg was amputated.

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